Group Therapy
“We don’t have to do all of it alone, we were never meant to” Brene’ Brown
Do you ever feel like you are on the outside looking in?
We exist socially in a world with others. Usually, our first experience of a group is that of the family, continuing in all aspects of our lives- through education, social engagements, intimate relationships, or work settings. As we engage in the world with others, we are constantly influencing one another through dialogues and perceptions of each other. These experiences can heavily influence our ‘world view’ not only the way we relate externally with others but how we relate to Self.
Experiencing being in a therapy group can feel, partly, nearer to 'real life'. Where obstacles 'out there' can be more obviously tackled 'in here'. This means the impact of group therapy can often be immediately applicable and beneficial to one’s life and relationships.
Please get in touch for further information about group work.